L'actor Albert Lozano dona vida a Marc, el personatge de la història, un home víctima de la rutina i amb poca sort a la vida.
Cartell Oficial
Cartell Oficial
'Frannie' in the CCCB. Within the framework of the 12th Festival of Independent Cinema of Barcelona, Monday, 14 of November Of 2005 the Hall of the Center of Cultura Contemporania of Barcelona accommodated the projection of the Short 'Frannie'.It was the original version shown to the CCCB with subtitles with English
You can enter into the web page of the sample: http://alternativa.cccb.org/
Fotos del Documental -Photos of the Documentary
Freq Kenneth Films to carried out the post-production of the Documentary, of 30 minutes of duration, 'Horqueta, some village of Paraguay'.
The Documentary, engraving for Jordi Llussà and ridden by Josep Surroca is a look in the reality of these village of Paraguay.
Going in Paraguay they were some 40-45 days of life and to live with the people of the country, to work with them and for them, to see, reflect... and especially to leave that the choir talks in the face of all this reality. (Jordi Llussà)
The production of Freq Kenneth 'Horqueta, a city of Paraguay' will be a tool of awareness in the schools of the Marist community of every catalunya.
Some 10.000 pupils will see the documentary.